Hi all We've been building our little business for 5 years now, from absolutely nothing and now we want to expand into industries such as film, television and fashion. Without wanting to blow our own trumpets, we're constantly told our work is unique and the feedback we get has been consistently good, so we know people like what we do. the question is how on earth does a relatively obscure little business like ours manage to start talking to the right people in these industries. We keep trying but rarely, if ever get a response. Can anyone out there give us some advice, please?
Sometimes it's not talking to the "right people," it's just talking with people in general. You never know when a current customer's sister's boyfriend is a producer or director (or some other title). Also, it'll be the "little guys," (typically) that you have to meet and work with first -- find, by asking around and sharing with everyone that you're trying to get into the industry, some young or up-and-coming filmmakers and offer them your services. Best of luck to you! Keep us posted if something happens!
Yes I agree with that- carry a business card for one its a calling card for a reason. They say people are within 6 people of who they want to meet. I am one for paring up/networking with others. Do a publicity mismash--
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Thanks Ellecina and Tom. We've just moved house and are hoping that the town we're now in will yield some far better results. We're making a point of talking to everyone we meet and also of carrying business cards all the time. With any luck we'll eventually meet the people through whom some good connections can be made and have a few potentials already. We'll certainly keep you posted. We spoke to Weta workshops recently who recommended we enter the World of Wearable Art competition in 2015, so we have that which we hope will get us in front of some of the key people. I know Weta themselves recruit from the winners, so fingers crossed. Thanks again for your advice and good luck to you too.
You need to break into one notable film that'll get u noticed. There are tons of indie films being made everywhere, advertise yourselves in the movie trades - hollywood reporter, variety, mandy.com, screen int., makeup, moviemaker.....you'll be inundated with calls and offers. Pick a project you believe is a good fit and just do it to start building a pedigree of film work. It's a way of making contacts in person, and hopefully one of these contacts will bring you onto their big, big gig, and the rest is history. But It's going to be real hard work with little or no money when you're starting out. It only takes one contact and one referral to change from unpaid/unkown to fully paid/known but you just have to start working on films. I'm producing an action feature also, do u have a link/website I can see?