Anything Goes : To See the World, Things Dangerous to Come Close to... by Ellecina Eck

Ellecina Eck

To See the World, Things Dangerous to Come Close to...

Gotta ramble a little. This is the only place I can and have like-minded others get it. I am completely and utterly obsessed with Stiller's "The Secret Life of Walter Mitty." I watched it the weekend it came out, and waited an agonizing five months before getting it through Netflix to share the experience again with the rest of my family. It's not perfect, I know, so please don't naysay, because this post isn't about the good or bad of the movie. It's about the uplifting, inspiring, beautiful world that it painted, and the theme of "stop dreaming, start living." There are so many things I love about the film: Life's motto used in the film is magnificent, the locations (!), how he daydreams less and less as the film goes on, and, one of my favorite scenes: the longboard scene. Mitty's dialogue, introverted and cutely awkward, like when he talks about why he had to leave Papa John's, because of "the cups." It gets me. And don't get me started on the soundtrack. I've never heard of Jose Gonzalez before, but he's about to gain another faithful fan and buyer of his music. His song "Step Out" just makes me wanna run and do crazy, "Mitty" things, and, in the words of a friend who feels the same way I do, "experience every sunrise and sunset." I find it hard to express in words what I feel. I guess, to try to sum it up: I feel an aching desire to do things bigger than myself, and Does anyone else feel something similar after watching the film? If yes, I'd be interested to read how you're handling it, because I'm a wanna-do-something-crazy-amazing-and-memorable wreck. Stay inspired. :)

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