Introduce Yourself : Actress, Office Manager for Halo Pictures LLC by Elizabeth Miloscia

Elizabeth Miloscia

Actress, Office Manager for Halo Pictures LLC

Please check out this links and send me your opinion. It would be greatly appreciated. If you want to be part of this, let me know. Thanks.

Lowrie Fawley

This is fantastic! So powerful!

Joyce Leo

Sublimely moving! Soul power in action. This is the best use of the media. Let the movement begin! Kudos to everyone involved in this remarkable film/mission/adventure/incarnation of spirit on earth.

Dennis DeVivo

One word........terrific!

Elizabeth Miloscia

Wow. I really only wanted an opinion of the storyline. You went way above the call of duty. However, I will say, you are right to the point and thank you for that. Hope it can be improved to your satisfaction. Have a good day!

Mark J. Rose

This is quite captivating once you get past some of the distractions. It took me a while to ignore her makeup, the eyelashes and the shimmering tight pants. She contrasts too much with the people she confronts. The cemetery beginning took away from what turned out to be a sincere mission to help people. I'd redo the beginning to be less ethereal, and make it more gritty. The captions need redone and someone with less of a valley girl accent should do the voiceover. Tighten it up and I think you have something intriguing. Keep at it!

Elizabeth Miloscia

Thank you for your opinion. It'll be taken seriously.

Dennis DeVivo

Still, while this is obviously an unfinished trailer, the concept is unique and I believe the viewer will appreciate the theme of paying forward and helping others. The comments above are spot on but you can improve on all without a doubt. Hope it comes to fruition because I have been working on something like this as a fictional script with a different twist.

David Hanigan

Thanks Elizabeth, best of luck. dh

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