Born in Maryville, TN; graduate of Maryville College; went to NYC age 20; taught high school English 20 years; graduated with MA from Stony Brook University; graduated from The Gestalt Institute of Long Island; had a private psychotherapy practice; returned to TN to care for my mother; began writing a book of poems; published Catching the Dream with Nathalie Roy of Paris, France; wrote and produced two plays, Voices in the Valley: Black Workers in a Company Town called Alcoa, TN, and A Higher Calling.
I am working now on a historical drama, Crossing the River, about a widowed Quaker in East TN during the Civil War left alone with her freed black domestics as they continue Underground Railroad activities that pit them against official forces threatening to seize the 2,000 acres and re-enslave the freed black tenants and domestics, based on a real story.
I've taken John Truby's Anatomy of Story and Master Class in Screenwriting in Manhattan and have had feedback on Emotion and Dialogue from Karl Iglesias of UCLA.
This is a passion, an adventure, and a scary ride all at once!
Best wishes to all!
Unique traits: I am attracted to "dark" corners of the psyche, but everyone says I would do well in comedy. Go figure.