Anything Goes : What did Black People Do? by Antonio Ingram

Antonio Ingram

What did Black People Do?

I don't know what it is but since the incident with Travon Martin, the disdain of black people has just about come full circle in the mist of the Donald Sterling situation, the 300 Nigerian girls kidnapped which does not seem to be televised much, and people that are inspired by our culture then turning around and making offensive jokes. I am just like man, what did we do? People don't want to hire us, then when we are hired we can't be considered on the same level, when we become rich and famous people want to shoot us down as quick as possible, and to throw us under the bus even more they make Jokes about us referring to the slavery days. Then in order to make it to mainstream in films we have to be, the gangster, the drug dealer, the homeless, the unfortunate, the ghetto, the butler, the maid, and most of all, the slave. Which all degrades us because that is how we are viewed ( By most not all). I didn't think I would experience stuff like this in my era but I was wrong. I have never told anyone this but I used to imagine being a different skin color because I felt I would have a better chance to succeed ( Worry not, I no longer have those views). This is not a rant my fellow members, all of this was just on my mind. Now if you don't mind I would like to ask, is being black that bad of a thing or is it just a traditional viewpoint that has never changed.

Antonio Ingram

The last part suppose to be a question mark instead of a period. Fill free to give your thoughts.

Shanika Freeman

I understand your frustration. Being black is definitely NOT a bad thing, but I do think that a lot of us are taught that it is. A lot of us, by birth, are taught that "the white man" is bringing us down or that "money is evil" and we grow up thinking like that which , sometimes, lead us to live out that negative energy, if that makes sense. I truly believe that we can overcome this and live a life of abundance, but it starts within. Yes, there is still hate in this world, and it is sick that me, you and others have felt that hate. I say, the only way to change how the world see us, is to change the way we see ourselves an the world. I mean, look at some of our youth(and adults)- the way they treat each other. Calling each other 'nggs and other derogatory names. I think they are just so scared to succeed (and yes, because of the way the world may treat them, but also because we are rarely taught that it is an option. Some people don't have role models or see a light . There only family may just be a gang, it's sad. We need to shift our mindset and realize that each one of us deserves to be wealthy and live a prosperous life. I am happy to see more persons of color in mainstream and behind the scenes as well. Anyway, I am rambling and going way off topic, I am sorry.

Antonio Ingram

Its okay Shanika. I just appreciate you commenting. you made some very valid points. Thank you again.

J'hon Williams

I don't actually see the difference in people based on color. I grew up in Boston during some strange racial times and just never understood the reasoning. Some of my best friends during those years were black and some people that I would never associate with were white. I have had women that I love to this day whom are black, Asian, Native American, and can tell you, I never gave it a second thought. I think it falls both ways honestly as I've been privy to the efforts made to set aside privileged areas of distinction for the black community and it seems to me that setting a race outside of others might create a bit of desensitized thinking. If there was WET like BET, I'm sure it would create a stir. We just need to stop building the concept of separation, but until then, there are many who do try to come together. I actually have a script that I've begun to develop where the primary cast is black and not one character is any of the stereotypes you've indicated. But, I'm not famous until I get it to a place where they don't say: "PASS," Unfortunately, there will always be racists and that is just the narrow-minded beings of any race whom really just can't get through their thinking that we are all human, at least I like to believe. You and I and the many others out there all need to be positive role models going forward and show everyone that we can be the same with very different ideas, strong work ethic and imagination without hate in our hearts or thought. Keep going and stay positive.

Antonio Ingram

Your right J'hon, we are all human. I also write stories outside the stereotypes in which I named. Thank you for sharing your comments and I definitely will stay positive.

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