Is there a specific area on the site for advertisements about acting workshops or classes? I'd really like to hone my talent!
Is there a specific area on the site for advertisements about acting workshops or classes? I'd really like to hone my talent!
I can recommend Anthony Meindl who has a studio setup in London. Or read his book At Left Brain Turn Right. I took a workshop in LA with him and he is amazing. Did recently come to London for a weekend intensive and will come again.
okay great, thanks for the advice :D
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Treisa any reason why you posted link? I clicked and nothing happened.
I'll investigate that Andrew, thanks for letting me know. ;-))
Here we go...
This place is also interesting - The Actors Temple offers free membership too this month!free-studio-membership/c1u67
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A great place to check would be the promotion lounge here on Stage 32. Lots of great offers in there! Best wishes :)
You can subscribe to Anthony Meindl's youtube channel. I love it.
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Great idea Suzanne!
Also, definitely check out some of our webinars :)
Los Angeles Actors Helping Actors donation. Books up fast.
Please check out my LA class for working professionals where you learn a perfect audition technique, you work on great material four times a night (actors should want to do that) and you learn how to make exciting choices that make you stand out. I want my actors to use charm and humor and vitality. I am a film and theater director and I can tell you that auditions are boring to watch. My students to light up the room. Read a chapter of my book, HOW TO MAKE YOUR AUDIENCE FALL IN LOVE WITH YOU, on or Amazon. I love actors who read. The book is recommended by Harvard, UCLA and the head of HBO casting said, "I wish that every actor who auditioned for me had read this book first." Call me to talk. You can reach me through the website