I want to bring up a fun topic to discuss as an actor which director would you be overjoyed to work with if given the choice? I already have some choices I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject
I want to bring up a fun topic to discuss as an actor which director would you be overjoyed to work with if given the choice? I already have some choices I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject
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Xavier Dolan, Katherine Bigelow, Spielberg, Peter Jackson, Terrence Malik, Christopher Nolan... I could go on and on.
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cool question... my top 3 would probably be David Fincher, Martin Scorsese and of course Tarantino cause he will give me lots of LINES and us actors love that ha
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Scorsese and Tarantino would be my top 2 picks as well I would love to work with Edgar Wright as well Woody Allen would be my dream dark horse pick
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Wow. Only 3? Kathryn Bigelow, David Fincher, Clint Eastwood...
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Not an actor, so my top pick would definitely be Kevin Smith. If I were an actor, I would say the Coen brothers.
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I am shocked more people didnt say the Coen Brothers
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I was definitely going to say Coen Bros, but also Woody Allen, John Favareau and Katheryn Bigelow
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I forgot Alexander Payne and Paul Thomas Anderson, for me the best directors alive
Tony Scott would have been great to work with also, his movies were non-stop entertainment and always had a cool macho kind of vibe to them.
Michael Mann also
Oliver Stone is a genius so he would be high on my wish list
JIm Sheridan cause he's my Dublin homeboy and every time he does a movie one of the actors gets nominated for an Oscar pretty much
Definitely Darren Aronofsky. Plus Steven Soderbergh, Joel Schumacher, as he always lets the actors shine and Jim Jarmusch to get the hipster vote
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Coen brothers are overrated. Name one great character in a Coen brothers movie... You can't, they're all 1-D. I would kinda like to do a David Lynch flick though just to see what weird shit he would make me do
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Wow Dave you made a statement there but The Dude was an awesome character some others that stick are Reagen from Miller's Crossing the ensemble of Fargo and Anton Chigurh of course
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What about this Guy...:) here is a testimonial...Blessings http://youtu.be/a9ccakzkZII
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Ha, Michael yes you are on my list too!
Clint Eastwood.
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Dave...thank you for the honor...!!! ...got your Network request...done...I posted a bunch of great work to inspire you ...send me any demo reels or work...so I can see it...blessings
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Eastwood or Savage
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Martin Scorsese is one my favorite director for his creativity and sense of humor.
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Spielberg, Tony Scott, arnofsky, James Cameron, and Mel Gibson
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Oh and Alfred Hitchcock!
A WHOLE bunch, but...Bottom line for me? Wes Anderson
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I would also like to have James Franco direct me onstage. I would have of course said Mike Nichols, RIP.
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James Wan. Definitely Wan.
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James Cameron
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Have worked under and love Famke Jannsen
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John Waters, he filmed what he wanted to film and you either liked it or you didn't!