Jade Cameron Sharp

Jade Cameron Sharp

Comedian, Filmmaker, Playwright, Screenwriter and Script Consultant

Fort Worth, Texas

Member Since:
August 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jade

Jade Cameron Sharp, a thirty-year-old freelance writer, bartender, and aspiring filmmaker. My dream of becoming a filmmaker started when I was only the age of ten. Sitting in a dark theater, I watched dinosaurs roam the Earth before me and a pretty awesome performance by Jeff Goldblum. I knew then that I wanted to create dinosaurs so I began trying to mine dinosaur dna from trees in my backyard. That didn't really work out so well and that was when I decided I wanted to make movies.

Unique traits: Encylopedic knowledge of film from German Expressionism to New Korean Cinema, extensive knowledge of the occult and fascination with the macabre juxtaposed with a whimsical, absurd sense of humor, and an unbridled passion for pop culture both trashy and classy make me a terrible person and it's best not to converse with me for longer than two minutes as my attention span can best be described as tweet-like. I make a living writing reviews for fat-burning pills on fiverr.




  • Rodrig http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6745066/?ref_=rvi_nm

    Rodrig http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6745066/?ref_=rvi_nm (2015)
    Film writer

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