Hi I'm Rafsan. I'm 22. I have stories of my own. I have written 4 stories for Hollywood. The problem is I'm from Bangladesh and I don' know secure way to do that. If someone there to help me I would really appreciate that. Once I asked in yahoo and I find out that I could try Literary agent. So, what can I do?
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With the internet, you can submit things by email from anywhere in the world.
How secure is that ? Can u tell me please.
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To start with: e-mail the stories to yourself first, for copyright reasons.
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Thank you Mr. Henk
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The poorman's copyright is asking for trouble. Depending on where you are, there should be a way to copyright and also send to the WGA E or W.
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adding to Orianna's post - you could also send you stories to the Library of Congress for a fee.
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I agree with Orianna, the poor man's copyright does only one thing, it establishes the date you emailed/mailed it to yourself. Or as it's put, it establishes a date of concept and actualization only and does not establish ownership or who actually wrote the stories. Also the only real copyright IS a copyright with your copyright office in your country or another country, such as the US copyrights office at the Library of Congress. http://www.copyright.gov/ Good luck! :)
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Thanks to everyone for the help.