Screenwriting : Anyone Use Ipads to write their scripts? by Karen Goldfarb

Karen Goldfarb

Anyone Use Ipads to write their scripts?

Hi guys.. I'm thinking of getting an ipad mini to just carry around to work on scripts using one of the screenwriting apps.. anyone do this.. and if so -- how do you find it?

Sean Patrowich

Hi, I've used Fadein app on ipad. In my opinion it's not that user friendly unless there have been updates that I missed, but if you want to use it to jot some stuff down quickly or have this great idea out of the blue and need to get it down, it can come in handy.

Anthony Moore

I use a cheap android based tablet and Celtx to make notes and sync to the cloud then clean everything up on my main PC later.

Leah Waller

I use Celtx, but I hate typing on the little keyboard - I'm horrible about typos and bad with grammar, I need all the help my computer can give. But that's just me - other then having to do clean-up work later it's fine.

Karen Goldfarb

Thanks for all the comments guys.. appreciate you taking the time.. for whoever uses Iphone.. once u download the screenwriting app.. u don't really need to be connected to internet do u? I'm just wondering if I need to add a gigabyte to my plan.. ;)

Sean Patrowich

No you don't need to move to a larger data plan.

Karen Goldfarb

oh beautiful!!! thanks!!!

Karen Goldfarb

anyone know about scripts pro app? seems to be getting decent reviews and only $12.99

Anthony Cawood

I use CeltX on my iPad Air, sync screenplays to the Cloud and then I can work on laptop later on. I also invested in a Logitech keybord/cover so I get a better writing experience. I might do FD but I resent how much extra the app is.

Karen Goldfarb

so.. do u pay $10 month membership to celtx? and do u like logitech? I'm definitely gonna get a keyboard for it

Karen Goldfarb

it's a battop and relatively inexpensive..

Anthony Cawood

Hi Karen... re Celtx, no the desktop version is free and allows you to save docs to their cloud storage, I can then see the same script on the iPad using the Celtx app, i think the app is £2.99. I think there is an online/collaboration version of Celtx that has a monthly subscription but I've never needed that. Re keyboard, I had a cheap rubber key type keyboard for my old iPad 1, it was okay but typing was always full of typo's and didn't 'feel right', the Logitech was more expensive but I love it!

Don "Erikson" Erikson

I use Final Draft Writer on my iPad. It's not a mini, though, and I don't know if I'd like it on the smaller form factor. I like it because it will sync with Final Draft on my computer via Dropbox. I use a bluetooth keyboard with it.

Richard Koman

I just got mini for this purpose. I'm thinking fade in for iPad coupled with desktop version.

Karen Goldfarb

me too.. i'm getting one today! i'm hoping it will help me avoid the dread.. i have to write ..i have to write.. putting it off till Midnite, etc..;)

Mario Leone

If I write on an ipad. I use iCloud to back up my documents. I only write small shorts on an ipad. I edit on my computer. I use my ipad mostly for query letters, synopsis and emailing studios. It's a great tool.

Karen Goldfarb

Is it easy to back up on icloud?

Karen Goldfarb

Yeah..I use the note thing on iphone.. thanks Alle!

Mario Leone

Backing on the iCloud is easy. It is a user name and password often an Apple id. Don't be surprised if your already logged into iCloud. On your ipad, go to settings > iCloud > scroll down > back up. Turn on back up switch and hit back up button. Apple only gives you Five Gigabytes free. Your device is way more than what you get free. I recommend buying more space its dirty cheap. 0.99 cents or $3.99. You can access these documents through apples Pages. This ap is good for synopsis and queries. The price of 99 cents is considering your on the latest iOS 8.0. iOS 7 back up space is more expensive. Icloud supports third party apps like Celtx. I have no idea if it does final draft. Celtx is a free script writing program that backs up to the cloud and synchronizes screenplay documents from your Mac or PC. Most IPad users kill their backups with dozens of videos or pictures since it backs up everything. So after a thousand videos or pictures and suddenly your out of space. ICloud also has updated security. They did a security over all as of recent. Granted Celtx is an not industry standard there are ways to convert Celtx files to Final Draft.

Karen Goldfarb

Thanks Mario! I will check all this out. I don't like Final Draft.. I've been using Scripped.. to write screenplays.. Final Draft is like highway robbery.. Scripped is like Celtx ... so.. anyway thanks for all the advice

Mario Leone

You're welcome Karen. Backing up is important. Should you ever upgrade your device through Apple. In the end, it does not matter what you use. It matters what the other party is willing to accept if your selling it. So, even if you convert the file you're good to go! :-)

Anthony Cawood

Hi Karen - this is the one I've got, - for the Air, so assume they have equivalent for 2/3 and Mini etc

Karen Goldfarb

"Thanks Anthony.. I may go for the less expensive one I showed u first.. if that's crummy. .i'll return and get the logitech..;)

Laurie Ashbourne

I do. I use FD writer and it integrates pretty well with the desktop version. But I always do my final edit on the desktop, so I can see the full page and how it looks/flows.

Karen Goldfarb

wow... very impressive!

Richard Koman

Been trying it. I'm pretty happy, still have to get to pc for some advanced issues but Im writing pretty well on pad and haven't gotten keyboard yet

Karen Goldfarb

very cool.. which program are u using?

Alexander Galant

I use the FinalDraft app with my iPad. However, I also use a portable keyboard connected via Bluetooth to the iPad. It's easy to Dropbox or even e-mail the file back and forth to yourself.

Richard Koman

I use fade in

Marie Adler, Ceo

Speak right into it. Just need the app. :)

Mit KM

Writing this comment in 2022, google search brought me to this thread, I have an ipad pro , use celtx, (online version - it backs its own software) , finaldraft OS version (backs up script using icloud or any cloud platform like gdrive , one drive etc.) works like a charm. I recently purchased ipad mini and so far I must admit its a bit of learning curve from ipad pro to mini getting used to keys juxtaposed to each other, lots of screen scrolls, pinch ins. You dont have to do any of those using ipad pro 11 or 12.9 inch screen. All the best to all the writers.

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