Rimi B. Chatterjee

Rimi B. Chatterjee

Screenwriter and Researcher

Calcutta, India

Member Since:
June 2022
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Rimi

I’m a screenwriter and published novelist. I’m creating a storyworld called the Antisense Universe focused on civilisational redesign and climate action. As of January 2023 I have three completed features available, Antisense: Ants on a Leaf, Antisense: A Thousand Silences and Antisense: Signal Red. I am working on a fourth feature, Antisense: Earth, Fire, Water, and a fifth, Antisense: Amazons. The first season of my TV series Antisense: Climate Town is also written.

My first two books, Signal Red (Penguin 2005) and The City of Love (Penguin. 2007) are free to read on jadavpur.academia.edu/rimibchatterjee, and well as my graphic short 'How Zigsa Found Her Way' and a number of academic pieces. I have now converted Signal Red into a feature screenplay and integrated it with the Antisense Universe. My third novel, Black Light, is still in print from Harper Collins.

Recent stories include 'A Question of Choice' (Reckoning Magazine Special Issue November 2022) and 'A Walk in the Park' (State of Matter Magazine Issue 7 December 2022) I was a finalist at the Writing Climate Pitchfest, part of the Hollywood Climate Summit 2022.

You can find out more about Antisense at antisenseuniverse.org/

Unique traits: Living in the lower delta of Bengal, I have a long standing interest in climate change and civlisational redesign.





  • Antisense: Ants on a Leaf

    Antisense: Ants on a Leaf Budget: $10M - $30M | Sci-fi A professor of climate science quits to become the coordinator of Climate Town, a sanctuary for climate refugees in Asia so that she can redesign urban life to calm the climate crisis. But will big money let her succeed?

  • Antisense: A Thousand Silences

    Antisense: A Thousand Silences Budget: $1M - $5M | Sci-fi A flimmaker takes down a greenwashing corporation for depopulating an island paradise, but soon finds that his friends may be as much a part of the problem as his enemies, and that he needs a new strategy to make a real difference.

  • Antisense: Signal Red

    Antisense: Signal Red Budget: $10M - $30M | Sci-fi An Indian defense scientist tries to ignore the corruption and extremism that is infiltrating his workplace even as his colleagues and his wife begin to suffer from it, until his bosses try to place him in a new defense setup completely invisible to the outside world, and he decides to run.


  • Writing Climate: Pitchfest for Film and TV


  • University of Oxford

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