Krystol Diggs has been writing since the age of 15. Her debut novel Through Her Eyes was the jump-start of more to come from this author, and now screenwriter, and publisher. Krystol has received her Masters degree at Full Sail University with an MFA in Creative Writing. She has written three screenplays, two short films and a host of other books in the various genres of fiction, thrillers, erotica, young adult and drama which can be found on . She has also written for magazines such as Raw Talent Magazine and Bougie Magazine, interned at IFashion Network as a writer and now is a reporter/journalist for CNN's Ireport section. " What better way to tell a story then through words." Krystol
If It ain't Broke Don't Fix It Drama A devious, manipulative woman hunts for evidence of her boyfriends ultimate betrayal while hiding her own mischievous deeds before saying “I do”.
I'll Never Tell Crime ⋄ Thriller A young coming of age girl is infatuated with a teacher while someone close obsesses over her but her mother is oblivious to the pedophile that’s no stranger at all
Coming Out Of The Dark Drama An introverted, adolescent girl uses her love of writing to overcome being bullied throughout school and in her adulthood.