I always been a Final Cut Pro 7 user, but slowly migrating to Premiere CS 6 What software you think works the best for you? And why? Pros? Cons? Let me know what you think Angel Mateo Http://www.Pushvisuals.com
I always been a Final Cut Pro 7 user, but slowly migrating to Premiere CS 6 What software you think works the best for you? And why? Pros? Cons? Let me know what you think Angel Mateo Http://www.Pushvisuals.com
FCPX is robust and you can't beat it for the price I highly recommend buying motion with it for only $50.
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I have Final Cut Pro. We used to edit on Premiere because one of my collaborators was a Windows-based video guy. And I do think Preniere is very good. But I'm a Mac/FCP person.
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I use Lighworks Pro and Premiere Pro, never been an Apple user, so I 've never used FCP
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I use FCPX 10.1 and love it. FCP has now re-emerged as a top notch product - most users of 7 will now be able to upgrade and be happy with the software. I used Premiere years ago, but I like FCPX much better. Especially on the new Mac Pro hardware.