Long time event planner. Now working on a couple of screenplays based on real life events .
The first is the story of my daughters Graduation Day which took place on the day of a massive tornado
That destroyed our hometown.
The second is the story of a small Missouri towns basketball team that holds the record for consecutive wins even though their school enrollment was less than 100 students.
Hicks From The Sticks Budget: $100K - $1M | Sports ⋄ Family Inspired by the true story of country life and high school basketball surrounding the remarkable 1960's championship teams from the tiny Ozark Mountain town that won more consecutive games than any team in the history of the state
Graduation Day Budget: $100K - $1M | Action ⋄ Adventure Inspired by the true story of seven friends who graduate from high school and then experience the horror of an EF 5 tornado less than 30 minutes later.