Brian Boswell's Lounge Discussions

Craig D Griffiths
How do you guys come up with titles?

I have a story about a young female drug dealer who decides it's better to die to give her younger sister a chance at a better life (I know super depressing - not a romcom). But I can't get a title that works. It's had two working titles 'Clean Break' and 'One Last Run', both seem blah. They don't g...

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Craig D Griffiths

@Shawn one part of her story is: her mum was a junkie that always did things that made their life worse, but believed she was doing good things. Amy is looking after sister. Amy sells drugs and does o...

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Eric Christopherson

I wish I were better at titles. I wish Eugene O'Neill had revealed his title development secrets: Mourning Becomes Electra, Long Day's Journey into Night, Moon for the Misbegotten, Strange Interlude, The Iceman Cometh, etc.

Craig D Griffiths

@Dan no where in particular. It's one of those suburbs just outside a big city. 30 years previous it may have had some small manufacturers. But they are gone. It's a mix of broken factories and cheap...

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Maroun Rached

You could call it "for Jane" (where Jane is the name of the younger sister). Or "blood ties". Or "sibling". Or as someone suggested focus on one significant detail of the story, a character's line etc. Good luck!

Craig D Griffiths

@Dave 'Cloning Jesus' felt heavy handed. When a clone is made it isn't a copy of the person. Technically it is an identical twin. This point is made in the film, so I called it ' Blood Brothers' becau...

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