An Impersonation of Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys wearing a Golf Shirt..
Impersonation of Bubbles from the TV series "Trailer Park Boys".
Listening to script reads of other Voice Over Artists at Voices.com
At the Doubletree.
The Jedi Wolf
On the set of Running Mates.
As a zombie on the set of Dark Rising 2.
On the left - posing with a friend on the set of Dark Rising 2.
On the set of The Summit.
The Bubbles glasses make the impression :p
At the Voices.com Recording Studio.
Script Reading as Marlon Brando at Voices.com
As Sir. Richard Hathaway in Murder Goes To The Highest Bidder.
Performing on stage with Jim Lahey (John Dunsworth) and Randy (Pat Roach) at the 2006 Downhome Show in Toronto.
Impersonating Bubbles and posing with Bubbles (Mike Smith), Sara (Sarah Dunsworth) and Ricky (Robb Wells).
Impersonating Bubbles and posing with Henry Winkler.
On Stage impersonating Bubbles at the 2009 AHSS Reunion.
Impersonating Bubbles and with the Second City graduates of 2011.
Impersonating Bubbles from Trailer Park Boys.