I am writing a sci fi novel and trying to learn screenplay and script writing
I am writing a sci fi novel and trying to learn screenplay and script writing
Currently I am writing a Indian fantasy show on the same lines like Game of Thrones. I desperately need some help on how to write the script.I have already written the synopsis and the characters. Can someone guide me to the right resources.
Syd Field has some great books on screenwriting. Another one which helped me (someone mentioned it here in Stage 32) is your screenplay sucks by William m. Akers. He makes fun of his mistakes when starting out and shows both the problems and solutions.
Welcome to the community, Abhishek Dasgupta. An Indian fantasy show similar to "Game of Thrones" sounds unique and exciting.
These might help you write your pilot script:
Expand commentWelcome to the community, Abhishek Dasgupta. An Indian fantasy show similar to "Game of Thrones" sounds unique and exciting.
These might help you write your pilot script:
These can help you make a show bible:
Also, you should add a profile picture on your page and a longer bio (maybe your experience, your goals, etc.). A picture and a more detailed bio will help you network with people on here.
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Welcome to the community, Abhishek Dasgupta. I also write Sci-Fi. It's one of my favorite genres to write.
Since you write books, here's the Authoring & Playwriting Lounge: https://www.stage32.com/loun...
Expand commentWelcome to the community, Abhishek Dasgupta. I also write Sci-Fi. It's one of my favorite genres to write.
Since you write books, here's the Authoring & Playwriting Lounge: https://www.stage32.com/lounge/playwriting
Here's the Screenwriting Lounge: https://www.stage32.com/lounge/screenwriting You'll be able to learn about screenwriting there.
I suggest adding a profile picture and a more detailed bio on your profile (https://www.stage32.com/blog/take-the-work-out-of-networking-the-importa...). They will help you network/build relationships on here. For your bio, you can add your writing experience, what genres you like to write, your goals, and so on.
Hope all of this helps.