Logan Benson's Lounge Discussions

Linda Gudrunar
Seeking children's animator

Hi, I have six children stories I have written and I am looking for experienced animator to work with me. Can any of you tell me where I can find animators or pitch it to companies who produce children's material? The stories are educational and entertaining of course. It will either be a paid job o...

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Kevin Jackson

I would say if you have them as books that is a great start as many companies like to take on property that already has traction. As you've noticed not much original is being made. They are making thi...

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Shellie Schmals

Hi Linda Gudrunar - so nice to meet you! I suggest reaching out to one of our Stage 32 Thought Leaders, Brian Smith, he's a Production Manager, Screenwriter and Script Consultant in animation, and has...

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Logan Benson

Twitter is a great platform to find talented and experienced animators who are looking for work. There are a number of hashtags you can use to target animators, such as #animationjobs, #animatorswanted, and #animatorforhire.

Shellie Schmals

Hi Linda Gudrunar -how is your search going?

Linda Gudrunar

Hi guys, thank you so much for taking the time to respond to my request and I'm so sorry for my late reply. I have a day job, I work within law enforcement and I've been swamped at work... can't keep...

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Logan Benson
Desperate and Broke

Are there any free webinars out there for those of us who don't feel like shelling out $150 to learn something? I mean, I'm poor and all, but $150? Come on now!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Logan Benson. Here are some producing webinars for $49.00 each: https://www.stage32.com/webinars/tag/producing. Some of them are free....

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Shellie Schmals

Hi Logan Benson - check out our Stage 32 YouTube Channel - you'll find a goldmine of great information here >> https://www.youtube.com/@stage32com/videos

What are you interested in studying?...

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Samantha Van Sickle

Sundance Collab has free webinars! Just go to their website and go to courses, then add the filter for price and select “free” :) hope that’s helpful!

Amanda Toney

Hi Logan, Maurice is right, we make our professional development webinars affordable at $49USD so you can get the exact information you need to help your career. That said, we offer a tremendous amoun...

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Hello everyone

I am Neha Rajput from India.

This is the script sir I've written. It is my first short and horror script.

Can you tell me what should I improve in my writing format or in my story.

I know sir there are some grammer or spelling mistakes but please sir please don't focus on them please read my script a...

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Logan Benson

Your script should be driven by the characters and their conflict, not by the action or description. Every scene should have a purpose and advance the story. If you find yourself with too much action...

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Neha Rajput

Hello sir

This is the part 1 of this script, that's why some people don't understand what is happening what dose meaning of it. If you read part 2 you will understand why those things are happening.


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Neha Rajput

Hello Ma'am

I can not understand why did you send me this link, if you don't mind can you please tell me?

Product Placement

Hello Stage32 community!

I am very curious about product placement in films and how to go about getting it. I have heard that it can be a great way to get funding for your film, but I am not sure how to go about getting it. Does anyone have any advice or experience with product placement? How did y...

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Shellie Schmals

Hi Logan Benson - I personally know Deborah Riley Draper from the film scene in Atlanta. She's extremely talented and resourceful. Although this is webinar is geared towards documentaries, the informa...

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Rosemond Perdue

Hi Logan, also here is another webinar that is about product placement for your film-and reach out if I can help direct you to any other education


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Jack Binder

Sadly it's a golden goose that rarely lays an egg. If you're 'Godzilla' perhaps a mega Pepsi deal. For the most part on a reasonable budget film you will get "product" (coke, pepsi, cookies for craft...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Spectacular advice, Jack.

Gustavo Sampaio

Look into product integration vs placement. There's more interest in that and you'll need a broker to handle it. They're usually interested in projects with stronger budgets, which often spells celebrity actors and wider distribution, so it'll depend on what you're creating.

Sambridhi Pandey
Hi crew!!

Hi, Stage32 community! I am Sambridhi, I go by Sam. I am currently based in Denver, CO.

I have been working on a travel-documentary idea for some time now, so I came here to explore the idea more, get additional perspective, and also connect to the community of fellow creatives as I don't have any b...

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Abraham Steven

Wow, that's awesome Sam. It's great to meet you today. Happy new month.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome, Sambridhi! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here. Looking forward to connecting and hearing more about your doc!

Sambridhi Pandey

Thanks all!! It's nice to be here. :)

Sam Mannetti

Welcome Sam! What a great name too! I recommend checking out the Writer's Room. It's a fantastic resource to use as you work on your project.

Logan Benson

My name is Logan Benson and I am a film student in Vancouver. I am passionate about writing and I am always looking for new and innovative ways to get my work out there. I recently joined Stage32 in order to network with other film professionals and to also get my work produced. I am open to collabo...

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Logan Benson

Maurice Vaughan Vancouver Film School

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Logan Benson. How's the school so far?

Logan Benson

Maurice Vaughan It's great! I've learned a lot and I'm really enjoying it.

Maurice Vaughan

That's real cool, Logan Benson. I crack up when I see your profile picture. Did you draw it?

Molly Peck

Hey Logan, it's great that you're so open to collaboration! Stage 32 is a great way to connect with others in the industry. I'd suggest posting in the Screenwriting Lounge if you want to talk more about your script!

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