Founder & CEO of Hardrush Music Corp which at its peak had 240 artists and 120 composers. Syndicated music soundtracks for several film/television projects including Film NSW, Orana Films, Fieldnorth, and sub-licensing through CCLI, WOF, APRA, ASCAP, BMI, PPA & PPI. 14 publications (non-fiction books), 2 screenplays, with several novels/screenplays currently in concept/writing phase. Founder & past Director of Australian Music Video Awards, Ausfest, Canberra Country Music Festival, Canberra Blues & Roots Festival, Canberra Ute Muster, Monaro Blues & Roots Festival, Steampunk @ Altitude, co-founder Rock Against Racism Australia amongst other annual events. Owner and licensee of The Federal Hotel Nimmitabel NSW Australia.
Panama Lost Action ⋄ Adventure ⋄ Biography ⋄ Historical ⋄ War The story of colonial and personal aspirations, intrigue, greed, betrayal and hypocrisy set amidst the tropics and the promise of riches and independence. In an undeclared military adventure not seen since the battle for Texas, the United States abrogates earlier agreements and creates a new nation providing it with the most lucrative trade concession in the world. Personalities from dispossessed indian slaves to colonial plantation owners to the military up to President Rooservelt become involved in America’s most expensive empire game that apart from the main target has several unforeseen outcomes.
Silent Screaming Drama A middle-aged executive contracts HIV from a number of possible sources, some hidden from his family, with an overpowering sense of career and lifestyle loss combined with mind numbing guilt that leads him in one fateful direction.
by Hardrush Music
Australian Contemporary Blues
by Hardrush Music
by Hardrush Music
Big Day Indie
by Hardrush Music
In God's Country - Best Of Australian Country Gospel
by Hardrush Music
Best Independent Music Compilation