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GENRES: Drama, Fantasy
A modern adaptation of the Pandora's Box of myth, it's Buffy the Vampire Slayer meets Riverdale and Smallville. A young high school teenager, descended from the original Pandora, is charged by her parents, the ancient gods Zeus and Hera of Greek/Roman legend, with protecting the box from the spirits that begin to possess her classmates in order to try and manifest in the world again.
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GENRES: Romance, Sci-fi
Sarah and Alicia attempt to have a child in a world where the technology has been created that they can have a genetically matching child. The problem is they have to spend the full nine months of the pregnancy physically attached to each other.
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GENRES: Sci-fi, Fantasy
After rescuing her from a hostage situation, Supergirl must deal with an obsessed young fan who will go to any lengths to help her Kryptonian idol in her mission. But she may be a pawn in a much bigger plan by some unsavory types.
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