Ryan Fisher grew up in small-town Michigan, but found his footing in theatre in the border town, Sarnia. He utilized his dual-citizenship and attended the University of Toronto and achieved a HBA in Theatre Studies as well as a Diploma in Acting from Sheridan College.
"It is no exaggeration to say that Ryan Fisher is one of the most beautiful men you are likely to behold in your lifetime... [H]is concluding monologue is stellar." -David Balzer, EYE WEEKLY
"Fisher, who has a handle on the hookers passive-aggressive nature, delivers a final impassioned monologue that makes for strong theatre."- Jon Kaplan, NOW Magazine
"Ryan Fisher is one of the hottest young men on any theatre stage. Sprawled out in white T-shirt and form-fitting jeans, he peeks through a shock of blonde hair breathing the kind of fire we once saw in a young Christopher Walken. [He] informs his role...with slow burning passion."- Gary Smith, The Hamilton Spectator
"[Fisher's] character is a male prostitute and the physical impression he brings to the role is only outdone by his acting." - Danny Gaisin, Ontario Arts Review
"Fisher is clearly the male cast mate to remember. He wins the audience over with his charm and charisma...His ability o step in and out of his role of narrator and join in with the rest of the ensemble is a true testament to his range." - Samantha Berger, The Medium
"[Fisher] steals the show with his exquisite performance. His quiet cockiness, authentic expressions and dynamism set him apart, and he ends the show with a strong closing monologue." - Anna Cunningham, The VARSITY Online
University or Toronto/ Sheridan College