I'm TARIQ ELHAWARY, I'm Egyptian actor and screen writer, my dream is to make world wide successful movies with wonderful stories, actually i think have what will worth to be seen and streamed, i created many good ideas and stories need to tell, I will need support
EVERY 40 Budget: $1M - $5M | Thriller ⋄ Mystery A talented art man seeks to escape from a mysterious curse that befalls him simultaneously with his sighting of an artist painting in a museum, which turns his life upside down.
KAPA Budget: $100K - $1M | Mystery ⋄ Horror Doctor Rami enters the morgue to examine the body of a 19-year-old girl who died by suicide and the cause is unknown, and he discovers a serious matter.
A WRONG CLICK Budget: $0 - $100K | Mystery ⋄ Horror "The wrong click of a button leads to Ryan's demise."
NOT A BOOK Budget: $10M - $30M | Thriller ⋄ Mystery "A young man named Murad, his life is turned upside down after acquiring a strange book."
My magnetized husband Budget: $5M - $10M | Fantasy ⋄ Comedy "After purchasing a counterfeit ancient Egyptian artifact from an art forgery exhibition for his wife Nada, Amr and Nada's lives take an exciting turn as a result of this magical painting."
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