Carey Azzara's Lounge Discussions

Carey Azzara
I discovered an innovative approach to publishing books that I'd like to share with the group

This is a new publishing model try it by voting for my book. Nothing to buy, just vote for The Lottery Curse to help me get it published. Find the link below it will take less than 30 seconds. Please forward this email to your friends; a...

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Carey Azzara

Yes but you have to pay for editing, proofreading, cover design, book design and formatting, and do and pay for all your own marketing - that's a tall order for most author.

Carey Azzara

Jeff you are obviously a talented person. My talents are more limited, I found that i cannot adequately edit my own writing nor am I a expert at cover design. Therefore, I do the things i do best and...

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Carey Azzara
A Quick and Easy Favor

Need your vote for my next book. Nothing to buy, just vote for The Lottery Curse to help me get it published. Find the link below it will take less than 30 seconds.…/book-ideas/lottery-curse-carey-azzara/ Please forward this email to your friends; and let me know if I can return the favor. Kind regards, Carey

Carey Azzara
Featured Author on Talk Radio

Featured Guest on the Donna Seebo Show - Yes it happened - Here is my interview with Donna Seebo featuring two of my books - I hope you enjoy listening to it

Richard "RB" Botto

Congrats, Carey.

Carey Azzara

Thanks Richard!

Richard "RB" Botto

My pleasure, brother...

Carey Azzara

I wonder if I could ask a quick favor? Could you take a minute to vote for my next book? Nothing to purchase, just vote for The Lottery Curse. It will take only 30 seconds.

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Carey Azzara
Looking for thoughts on transitioning stories into films.

It wasn't my idea or intent to write stories that could be plots for the visual arts, but when a reviewer gave my book Halley's Gift and Eight Other Extraordinary Tales 5 stars and left the message below it got me thinking - What if? The stories titled : "How About That; Branded for Life; A Flawed Life & The Secret Tunnel are all movie material."

Grant Vuille

The basis for any script is usually a good solid story with interesting characters & events. Wishing you every success in converting your stories into successful plays or screenplays.

Carey Azzara

Thanks Grant - solid advice. My focus has been on writing fiction I have some curves to go up to rework the stories into screenplays. I'm considering partnering with a more seasoned screenwriter.

Elisabeth Meier

When adapting a novel into a script - especially when it is your own story - take a step back first. Then write a summary of the novel which is the basis for your screenplay. There is no need to be qu...

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