I'm a screenwriter, animator & graphic designer, with autism, based in The Netherlands.
I'm known as the creator of Tony Motors (adult animated series), and the screenwriter of the Award winning script of Monster Truck Brothers.
The Adventures of Crash Bandicoot (Animated series) Budget: $100K - $1M | Animation ⋄ Adventure A talking orange marsupial superhero "Crash Bandicoot" goes on missions to save the animals and inhabitants of the world against Dr. Neo Cortex and his fellow-villains.
3 Star Alliance (Animated series - Total Drama Spin-Off) Budget: $100K - $1M | Animation ⋄ Adventure a Total Drama spin-off about 3 teenagers that lives together in one villa in the town in Ontario “Jollycouver”, also trained by their fight master "Chef Hatchet" to save the town against the villains and their destruction, all without brainwashing.
Metal Carnage Budget: $10M - $30M | Sports ⋄ Action A 26 year old boy who’s unofficially sponsored by Monster Energy has issues on racing in a Trophy Truck, and switched to drive a Monster Truck instead to reach his 25 year long official sponsorships contract with Monster Energy Motorsports division as a Monster Truck Driver.
Metal Carnage 2: Zeke's Pride Budget: $10M - $30M | Sports ⋄ Action A Monster Truck Driver who’s sponsored by Monster Energy, has a son who wants to have the same purpose as him, but as a Motocrosser via the X Games Talents qualification.
Tony Motors
by Guy van Volen (Animation and Adult)
New York International Film Awards - May - Best Action Script
College of Multimedia Amsterdam