As an actor Tabatha is known for roles in movies such as "5 The Beginning", "Untold Stories Of The ER" and "John Apple Jack" but Tabatha also has multiple Producer and Writer credits to go alongside those as a Director, Casting Director and an International Film Festival Judge.
Tabatha worked as a contributing writer with Amazon optioned screenwriter Brian MacDonald on his movie Vitreous ( Winner Best Feature 2018 Director's Cut International Film Festival), while also writing and producing 5 short films and 5 plays. She is currently working on her dramatic/supernatural full length screenplay (5 wounds) and other scripts.
As a songwriter, Tabatha has collaborated on songs released under "Fynyx Nation" to positive feedback, as well as having some songs placed in Indie film works! She has since blossomed into a songwriter for numerous of songs released in early 2021 under Dave's "Tecosha" brand, "Fynyx Nation". Diamond Eyes was released on March 25 2022
Tabatha has trained in film, television and theater. Her profile appears on IMDB, Actors Access and Casting Workbook. She continues to study and upgrade her acting skills. She won an acting scholarship to Van Mar Academy in Los Angeles and went on to study in Montreal, Ottawa and Vancouver.The producers and director gave me the best actress award in the film, Forgive Me Father.
Below are a few comments from Directors that Tabatha has worked with.
Rick Tae, Executive Producer/ Screenwriter of John Apple Jack Movie said this of Tabatha's performance playing the role of Monique,
"her work was grand, fearless and heartfelt. The role could have not have been portrayed any better, even in my wildest dreams, A big thank you for bringing her to life!"
The Visit, the audience said,
"she had a very powerful presence and clarity in your expression. She was pure in her performance because there was no set and camera to do the work, it's was just Tabatha and the script!"
Director, Mickey MacKenna
such extreme talent..she has a very good natural look that makes it work.
Paneet Singh, Director and Writer of the play, The Undocumented Trial of William C. Hopkinson,
Tabatha was an absolute joy to work with. Her positive attitude, willingness to communicate, and strive to improve on a daily basis helped her construct a genuine and powerful performance for the run of the show. Her portrayal of Annie was powerful, raw, and dignified. I would feel privileged if I received the chance to work with her again.
Read Between The Music
Film (short)
by Twin Visutskie Films
RBTL Short
Film (short)
by Twin Visutskie Films
Silver Four artists embark on their journey of triumphs and downward spirals, seeking to reach their rock and roll dreams. Wedged between their pursuits is a rock and roll love story of Silver and Nick, based on true life events, filled with drug induced fights which lead to an insane love dysfunction. We take a behind the scenes look at how our four journey people try to overcome the odds in the tough music business. Will the music be their dream or death?
Awakened to the Calling
Bianca A devastating tragedy causes an artist to question reality.
The Calling
(Short and Drama)
Actress Rejection and consequences are part of life. We'll follow Gerard's acceptance to what he is, what he's been since he was a kid. The stronger the rejection, the higher the consequences. But what if Gerard finally accepted who he is and acted upon it. Some of us don't and the price to pay can be huge. Written by christophe le jeune
The House: Gloria's Story
Actress Add a Plot »
Sanctuary Population One
(Short and Sci-Fi)
Actress Population one) is a prequel to our highly successful short film Sanctuary. The new film takes place in the late 21st Century and tells the dramatic back-story of our hero Ethan.
The House Gloria's Story
by Brian MacDonald-V12 Films
5 the Beginning
(Short and Drama)
Actress 5, The Beginning gives a glimpse into the world of a twin; the telepathic language and physical sensations that they both feel. They are born to a family of violence and abuse and to cope they escape through addiction Through pain and healing they are able to travel to different worlds and dimensions discovering the gift of vision. Written by Tabatha Visutskie
Hot time in the Sun Untold Stories of the ER
TV Series
She's Not Dead Yet Untold Stories of the ER
Actress Add a Plot »
Les Crimes de l'Ouest
Actress Add a Plot »
Puppet Show
Untold Stories of the ER
(Documentary and Drama)
Actress Dramatizations of patients in life threatening moments while doctors do their best to help them in the E.R.
John Apple Jack
by Monika Mitchell (Comedy and Romance)
Actress A playboy learns to love, while a virgin learns to live -- a queer romantic comedy set inside the restaurant industry... 'John Apple Jack' brings East and West together to create one sumptuously heart-warming dish. When John discovers his sister's fiance is Jack, his childhood crush, passions ignite and his life spirals out of control... losing his job, his playboy reputation and his underwear, all while rushing to the altar to finally confess his love! Written by Anonymous
by Lee Brighton (Animation)
Actress Snapatoonies is an eclectic series of episodes, full of colorful characters, the rich narrative takes them on an unpredictable journey of discovery using beautiful photography, playful graphics, enchanting animation and cheerful music.
Evil Has Come to Prey
by Tyrone Martin Polanski (Thriller)
Killers in the Forest
by Dianne Dennis (Horror)
Actress When a husband and wife are evicted from their apartment, they find a new means of survival. Henry comes up with what he thinks is a brilliant plan! His wife Charlene goes along with him on a ride that requires guts and the instinct for survival. Written by Dianne Dennis
Snapatoonies: Abby Apple and Her Fruit Friends
Film (short)
by Jordan Brighton (Family)
Actress Abby Apple and her Fruit Friends introduces your child to apples, oranges, lemons, pears, and plums, and how much fun they are to eat! Includes where fruit comes from, what does it look like and what are its different colors and shapes.
The Longest Elevator Ride in the World
Film (short)
by Samson Lam (Musical)
Making It
Snapatoonies Animated Series/Doc Toy’s Best Picks Children’s Products
Best Actress Award in the film Forgive Me Father