Two Iranian women desperate for answers about the cruel and inhumane punishment death of their mother. After the fall of the last Shah and the end of the monarchy, Iran is on the brink of a new era. While looking into their mothers death and searching for answers, the two wo sisters Seelah and Ahbeer goes to visit their auntie who was there the day there mother was killed, desperately asks to talk with her to disclose the tragic events that led to the cruel, inhumane punishment of there...
"The Ghost In Crater" is a gripping tale of resilience, friendship, and the unyielding human spirit. Set in a close-knit community, the story unfolds after a tragic night of intoxication and violence that leads to the disappearance of Alex, a beloved friend. The events of that night, concealed by guilt and fear, haunt the lives of those involved. Driven by haunting dreams of Alex's spirit, Emma, his best friend's youngest sister, embarks on a courageous quest for truth and justice. With...
In the close-knit community of Echo Valley, a night of intoxication and camaraderie takes a dark turn, forever altering the lives of those involved. When Alex, a cherished friend, goes missing after a violent confrontation, the truth is buried beneath a web of guilt and fear. In the haunting aftermath, "The Ghost In The Crater" unfurls as a tale of resilience, friendship, and the unyielding human spirit. Inspired by haunting dreams of Alex's spirit, Emma, his best friend's youngest sister,...
Chapter 1: Night in the Grove Chapter 2: The Argument Chapter 3: The Violent Confrontation Chapter 4: Panic and Desperation Chapter 5: A Grave Decision Chapter 6: A Struggle for Survival Chapter 7: Emma's Visions Chapter 8: Unveiling the Truth Chapter 9: Facing the Darkness Chapter 10: The Quest for Justice Chapter 11: Closure and Redemption Chapter 12: Echoes of the Grove