Care Glogoviecki

Care Glogoviecki

Content Producer
Creative Executive

Toronto, Canada

Member Since:
July 2023
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Care

Hi, I'm Care, and I’m new here.

Not only to Stage32 but new to the entertainment industry as a whole.

This was never my plan and I sometimes can’t believe I’ve landed here — I have a successful and fulfilling business as a graphic design creative director, and ‘entertainment’ was always something I sought to enjoy rather than create. But, strange and serendipitous things sometimes happen. Especially when you’re a married soccer mom who begins to post on OnlyFans. And so, here I am, a year after posting that first photo, writing this bio, in the hopes of connecting with others, who, like me, believe that the adult entertainment industry is in dire need of a shake-up.

About a year ago, I had a toxic client. The experience was jarring and left me emotionally bruised. And, also, I was pissed. I wanted to take back control of my time (just because you paid me doesn’t mean you own me) and posting to OnlyFans felt invigorating and empowering. Naively, I thought I’d take a few hot photos, I’d make a bit of extra spending money, and that would be that. But, pretty instantly, I realized how broken the platform is. And not only technically speaking (it’s archaic!) but I saw how unsatisfying, shameful, and disheartening the experience typically is for users, and I saw how frustrating and degrading it can feel for creators. And I realized with a bang that there is an incredible opportunity to make it so much more.

And so that’s what I’ve set out to do. Today, along with my two co-founders, I’m well on my way to building a platform that’s so much more than OnlyFans: a company that revolutionizes the way we engage with sensuality, mindfulness, and mental well-being. My goal is to make people feel more whole, to realign with and rediscover their inner selves, and to improve their relationships both with themselves and with all those around them. All in a fun, playful, flirty way that’s exciting and hot as fuck.

Do you align with this vision? I'm curious!


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