Pedro Tamames

Pedro Tamames


New York, NY, USA

Member Since:
September 2023
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Pedro

I'm a Spaniard actor and director and my work has been produced (and screened) on either side of the Atlantic and as high up as the Empire State, where I directed The Red Balloon —a short about the classic building.

Saddling between Madrid and NYC, I like to explore the search of self-hood in-between worlds, either with a surreal and satirical taint or with an outright fantasy and sci-fi language.

When on set, I'm a 1st AD, and when off set, I am obsessively writing and drawing new ideas to bring to the big (or medium sized!) screen. My NYU thesis film, Quique, is touring international festivals with its New York Premiere happening at the Chelsea Film Festival in fall 2023.



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