Andre Peterkin

Andre Peterkin


Luton, UK

Member Since:
November 2023
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Andre

I’m a lover of stories, always have been. I love how a well written story can open doors to entire new worlds for both the writer and their audience. This is why I write stories as it’s my way of giving something to others.

I stopped writing for around year as my laptop was stolen (with the majority of what I had written at that point saved on it) However one night an idea came to me and I realised I had nowhere to write it down until it dawned on me that I didn’t have
a laptop and I didn’t even have paper but I had a phone with a notes page. Just like that found a way to start writing again.

Dramas are fun, but who isn’t down for some action? Long story short if there’s a good story out there it needs to get out into the world.



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