Thomas Yazar

Thomas Yazar

Screenwriter and Playwright

Valencia, Spain

Member Since:
December 2023
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About Thomas

Hello, hola, bonjour!

Frenchman living in Spain, so i can speak three languages with English but I still dream in cinemascope. I studied scriptwriting and scriptdoctoring in France in the 00s until Life took over and sidetracked me towards less creative ventures.

Jump cut to March 2023: I decide to put my IT career on hold and wrestle full time with the stories and characters which populate my mind.

Therefore, I self-published a 90000 words trilogy on Amazon (Eureka Island) and also finish 2 feature scripts:

- BEHIND THE DOOR, a working-class "Thelma and Louise" thriller,
- THE PRISONNER'S GAMBIT, a psychological thriller set in France in WWII.

Currently applying both scripts to Festivals and Competitions I can find to garner feedback and catch the attention of deciders.




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