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About Jane

Why am I here? I am not in the industry, I told an outrageous, but yet 100% verifiably true, story on an amateur YouTube Vlog, that received a massive number of views and comments.
A lot of the comments were "This Should be a Netflix true story movie."

My vlog is about my sister's fall that injured her brain and led to her escaping Rikers Island (by hiding on a boat) for a crime she didn't commit (but she didn't have the mental capacity or money to defend herself) and then her living the NY City street life alone as a fugitive for many years with an impaired brain but determined to survive.

As I was telling her life story in a vlog, my own research led to me finding out who killed her.
Her body was found on a NY City Subway after a New York Post reporter tricked her into being a false witness for the famous Darryl Littlejohn rape and murder of the college student.
The reporter put all of my sister's information, and how to find her, in print in the New York Post, even after she told him that she didn't really witness the murder, and she only pretended to witness because she saw the reporter offered food money to other witnesses in the park that day, and she was hungry.
When she called me to let me know she was okay, I asked why I heard her name on the TV news, and she told me about the reporter, but that was the last phone call ever from her, because that food money cost her life.

Here is a link to my amatuer vlog. It starts with a psychic, but that was just what prompted me to vlog about her, not really revevant after that.



  • My Sister Just Wanted to Eat

    My Sister Just Wanted to Eat Budget: $0 - $100K | Crime Drama This is a true story about my sister Lorraine, who sustained brain damage after a fall down cement stairs at age 4, and then had to learn how to survive in a world she could no longer comprehend.  Her dreams of becoming a ballerina were smashed in the moment of the fall.  She was sent to Riker's Island prison at age 19, accused of a crime she didn't commit, but she didn't have the mental capacity to defend herself. She escaped Riker's Island by hiding in a boat. While bounty hunters were looking for her in New Jersey, she was hiding in New York learning to live a tough street life on her own.   She learned pole dancing and other street life hacks for survival.  Being younger, I grew up learning all about the shocking truth about street life from her phone calls.  She taught me so much over the phone,  that I became street-smart without ever leaving home.  Living in a park, she saw a New York Post reporter paying other homeless people to witness the famous Daryl Littlejohn murder (the bouncer that raped and killed a college student at the bar across the street from the park.)   When Lorraine called me to tell me she was okay, I asked her why I heard her name on the TV news and she told me that the reporter was paying homeless people in the park to tell what they saw about the murder across the street.  She said she just wanted food money because she was hungry, so she copied what she heard other witnesses say so she could eat.    She told me that she told the reporter that she really didn't witness the murder, and just wanted to eat, but he needed a story so he ignored that part and printed it anyway in the newspaper and anchored it on TV News. He not only reported her false witnessing, but he printed in The New York Post, her full name, age, and which park she lived in as a homeless person.  Shortly after, her body was found on a New York subway train. I didn't learn about her murder until years later, I started a vlog about her incredible life story, (prompted by a John Edward psychic live show that "seemed" to be her coming through).    I asked someone who knew her from the park if he wanted to add anything to my story about Lorraine, and he then told me that Darryl Littlejohn had someone give Lorraine bad drugs at the park to kill her and stop her from witnessing. If I didn't go to the psychic's show, I would have never discovered on my own that she was murdered and I would have thought her death was natural.   Not that I still believe in John Edward now;  I went to another live show of his that made me believe that it was just a coincidence that day; because he was wrong on every guess in the 2nd live show.  They strictly do not allow recording at his live shows because they can't edit the bad guesses out on other people's videos. I then started seeing John Edward as a very shrewd man who had figured out how to become a multi-millionaire by using the exact same tactics that "romance scammers" use, (preying on vulnerable people who want so badly to believe) only he found a perfectly legal way.    I could be wrong, but the only way that I could be convinced by John Edward's psychic abilities is if he could say the 3 letter nickname that Lorraine had made up and called me by instead of my real name.  No living person knows it but me. Here is a link to the full story in my amateur YouTube vlog:   Soon I hope to find a good writer who understands Lorraine's story, to partner with, so I can elaborate on this story.  I inadvertently left out the fact that the fall changed her brain, but not her heart.  She still had deep insight and empathy for other people.   Of course, I could write her full story myself.  I'm not a bad writer as a concise storyteller, but I feel as if partnering with a professional might be a better choice since so many people told me that her true story should be a Netflix movie. 

  • My Sister, the fugitive hiding in New York City

    My Sister, the fugitive hiding in New York City Drama Crime All my street smarts came from my sister Lorraine's phone calls because I was a kid at home not allowed out much because of the tough neighborhood.   Her survival as a 20-year-old fugitive in NY City was about anything she could do to get food money. However, she still had some morals.  For example; one day a man offered to pay her to have sex with him in front of his frigid young wife to teach her, Lorraine said no because she felt bad for the crying wife.  She said she would rather go hungry than make his wife cry anymore.

  • My Sister, the fugitive hiding in New York City

    My Sister, the fugitive hiding in New York City Drama Crime My brain-injured 19-year-old sister was hiding from New Jersey bounty hunters in New York City all alone, for a crime she did not commit after escaping Riker's Island prison by hiding in a boat.   She had to learn survival hacks while living alone as a fugitive homelessly.  She shared her life with weekly phone calls to me for 30 years.   When a mentally challenged person tells true stories of street life, they can be raw, because they have no shame, but her story is so captivating that my YouTube viewers commented that it should be a Netflix true story movie. So I came to Stage 32 wondering how to navigate this.  Do I try to find an agent or a screenwriter?    

  • An accident can happen to any one of us and alter our brain forever

    An accident can happen to any one of us and alter our brain forever Drama Biography My sister wanted to be a ballerina, but her dreams were smashed when she fell down a flight of cement stairs.  Her last rites were given in the hospital, but miraculously she came out of the coma.   At age five, she had to learn to live with an injured brain, where she no longer fit in with other children.  She no longer could comprehend anything about this world.   All she ever wanted was to fit in, but people always ran from her because of her unpredictable, silly, odd behaviors that she could no longer control.  She tried everything to fit in, including wearing dark make-up in hopes that other races might accept her. As she reached her teenage years, she discovered that men who found her sexy didn't run from her.  She finally found a way to fit in somewhere, like a jigsaw puzzle piece.  She followed that path, and it led to her living a wild and crazy street life as a 20-year-old fugitive surviving alone on the streets of New York City.She called me every week to tell me she was okay and taught me everything she learned about street life survival.  I was a kid at home just taking it all in.  Her final phone call to me was about how a New York Post reporter baited her with food money to say she witnessed a murder.  He printed her full name, age, and address in the New York Post and had it anchored on TV news too, even though she told him she really didn't witness the murder and that she only wanted food money so she copied and recited what she heard the other witnesses say.     Her outrageous story went to her grave, until years later; I reluctantly went to a psychic medium show just for fun, and shockingly John Edward described her accurately while pointing to me.  He was so descriptive about her spirit coming through, that it made me believe that she was trying to tell me that her story was not complete.   "If" it was her coming through, I did find out that her story was actually not complete while telling her story!  I made a YouTube vlog about her crazy life story, and as I was making it, I asked someone if they wanted to add anything to her story, and a man who knew her said "Yes, I know who gave her the bad pills to kill her right before her body was found on the L train."   It was to hush her witnessing the murder across the street from the park she stayed in.  I was shocked to learn from him that she was murdered.  We knew her body was found on a New York subway train, but for years we assumed she died of natural causes. She was not a beauty queen or scholar, and she was found wearing tattered clothes, so the officials in New York City just shoved her body in a freezer and forgot about her.  They never even tried to contact her family or mention her body being found on the news because she was not considered an important person. I am a believer that everyone matters equally, regardless of their status.  That is the reason I felt compelled to tell her story in my amateur vlog.   I came to Stage 32 to find out if any screenwriters or producers who also believe in equality might want to partner with me on this true story to enlighten the world on true happenings.   None of this is fiction. 

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