Hi Everyone. I hope someone has an idea on how to solve this problem:
I am an Official Nominee of the New Media Film Festival. I was invited and participated in their Webinar on June 5 (BLOCK 2, JUST ONE INCH) and then attended the Festival on June 6th. I have proof that I am a Nominee--emails, photos of me at the Festival wearing my "Nominee" badge, receipt for my guest's ticket, and my script scheduled on the June 5th Webinar with JUST ONE INCH featured on the list of posters under Events for June 6.
The problem is that Coverfly listed my script as an Official Nominee and then deleted it. They said someone told them it was a mistake. They won't accept my proof and someone from New Media needs to contact them.
The Director of New Media, Susan Johnston, reprimanded me for asking too many questions. This is what she wrote me in an email: "It has been brought to my attention from my entire staff that out of 106 nominees, you are the only one that consistently emails, almost daily and sometimes several times a day and to several staff members. Keep in mind, in my 15 years of founder/director I have never had this happen from a nominee, ever....We could remove you from competition, it is in the terms and conditions of our festival... This is the final word, we have a show to produce and I have just spent this time for you that could have helped all 106 nominees and not one, you."
I have asked her to please contact Coverfly and confirm my accolade, but as yet has not. I obviously ticked her off with my persistent questions, questions I needed answered because I'm a newbie and didn't know what was expected of me.
I'm thinking maybe she's busy because it's been only 2 days since the Festival and she probably has things to finish. But what if by the end of the month she doesn't contact Coverfly? What should I do? What are my options? Thanks in advance for your help.
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The best way to solve this is to inform the person in charge. As I understand she, the founder / director confirms that she is personally informed. Calls you a nominee. Now, if you hope for a scandal, cross your fingers that she forgets. Otherwise hope that she remembers.
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It seems she is saying that if she were in your position, she would have reacted differently and because you reacted in your own way, that you are now somehow ineligible for help.
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Wal, I don't want to start a war here with the possibility that I'm blacklisted as a "difficult person". I just feel asking questions is not a legit reason to disqualify a script as she threatened to...
Expand commentWal, I don't want to start a war here with the possibility that I'm blacklisted as a "difficult person". I just feel asking questions is not a legit reason to disqualify a script as she threatened to do. The odd thing is that Coverfly removed my accolade BEFORE the Webinar and Festival took place. Her email reprimanding me and threatening to disqualify my script was the DAY OF the Festival, so I don't know who or why someone told Coverfly I wasn't a nominee. Doesn't make sense, right?
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Remind yourself to come out of this as stronger than before no matter what happens next. Being completely open and honest with you would normally begin with rebuilding your faith in them.