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June 2024
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About Tracy

Tracy Bartnick is the author of the best-selling cookbook FEEDING THE ALPHA MALE which takes a look at the roles Alpha Males serve in our social structure and why some women are drawn to them like flies to honey.

Tracy grew up on the mean streets of Bangor, Maine and learned early on that she had to fend for herself when it came to cooking. Her mother was a high-powered real estate broker with a fondness for Stouffer’s frozen dinners and ordering takeout from sub-par restaurants. Once Tracy started to cook for the family, she garnered so much praise that she never stopped.

While attending Syracuse University, instead of traveling to Greece and Europe during the summer, Tracy elected to go home and waitress in the finest lobster shacks New England had to offer. “Lifting 50 pound trays and having my hair stink of lobster brine and fried clams was a much more rewarding experience than sleeping my way across Europe,” she admitted.

Tracy also served some time as a class manager at the now-defunct San Francisco cooking school “Home Chef,” where she further honed her culinary skills and burned a whole bunch of food in front of people. “She was a master at putting out fires and trimming off the black pieces,” an unnamed instructor was quoted as saying.

The first to admit she isn’t an internationally-renowned chef or self-help guru, Tracy has, however, successfully tamed many Alpha Males over the course of her lifetime with her successful regiment of food and sex. “The bottom line: there is food and there is sex,” she says. “That’s all we really need to get by.” Tracy currently lives in Pasadena, California with her daughter, dog and Alpha Male husband— comedian, writer and knuckle-dragger, Joe Bartnick.



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