Joe Evola

Joe Evola

Actor and Screenwriter

Saint Louis, Missouri

Member Since:
October 2024
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Joe

Joe Evola is a 34-year-old author and screenwriter who was born, raised, and
currently living in St. Louis, Missouri. He started out writing novellas based on
his hobby, pool and billiards. Now, he’s writing screenplays based on pool. Joe's
latest project is a feature biopic of a pro player and hustler from the 1970s era
that he is looking to sell to a major movie producer and studio.

When Joe was around 5 years old, he was inspired by the film The Color
of Money starring Paul Newman and Tom Cruise. Around this time his father
bought him a pool table for Christmas when he started playing a lot. Joe fell in
love with the game and played more competitively around the age
of 19. Joe then turned to writing books about his hobby. In College, Joe
found passion and faith in the game as he discovered life lessons, meaning, and
solace within pool’s intricacies. At the University of Missouri – Saint Louis, he
joined a film group and began his writing career. Joe graduated with a Business
Degree and eventually went on to an IT Trade school where he began his career
in Technology. He’s played a lot of high-level billiards since then while competing in the
American Poolplayers Association – the APA and Missouri 8ball League.
Nowadays, Joe wins and places in a lot of local pool tournaments. His
primary goal as a writer is to get a feature biopic off the ground and turned into
a streaming film production.

Joe is also a genuine and nice guy, a lot like the character he writes about
nicknamed St. Louie Louie. Maybe not quite as skilled at pool though. Yet!





  • The Incomparable Louie

    The Incomparable Louie Budget: $1M - $5M | Sports Drama A charismatic pool hustler seeks to make a living and sets out to win the biggest 9ball tournament in the country while facing domestic turmoil, alcoholism and addiction. 

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