Once upon a time, in a magical land called Jersey City, a girl was born. When she was 8, she told her elder sister that she had decided to become an astronaut. Her elder sister, only ever concerned for the younger's well being told her that if she went to space that she would be eaten by aliens. So she went to plan B, becoming a writer, and have fictional people be eaten by aliens instead.
High Hopes Budget: $30M+ | Family ⋄ Animation Two sisters stumble upon an enchanted cathedral where the gargoyles have come to life. If the sisters cannot overcome their differences they stand to lose their new enchanted friends and each other, forever.
Quarterfinalist, Stage 32 - New Voices in Animation Screenwriting Contest
Best Screenplay - 2nd Place - Oregon Independent Film Festival
Semifinalist, ScreenCraft Animation Competition
Savannah College of Art and Design