I grew up in a rough neighborhood in the freezing cold of Winnipeg. School life wasn't fun for countless reasons I won't list here. But my only escape was reading comic strips and writing. Most of my creative writing assignments had at least one sequel, as I guess I was learning the basics of serial storytelling like TV shows or comic strips. My favorites were Peanuts, Calvin & Hobbes, Bloom County, and Garfield. My works would eventually get better, but even my worst material brought great enjoyment and a release from a painful existence.
After school, I spent a large amount of my life working and teaching abroad with stops in Japan (3 different years,) Taiwan, Hong Kong, Towson, Maryland, and Madrid, Spain. Some of these experiences were beautiful and exciting, others hell on earth, but all were life changing and I don't regret a minute of them.
It was in Japan in 2002, that I rekindled my love of writing. My diaries got to a point where every day had at least 3 pages. I designed countless story and concept ideas for everything under the sun. In 2005, I spent my final trip to Japan writing travel articles for foreigner centric websites based in Tokyo. It was a lot of fun and the extra money got me by when substitute teaching gigs dried up.
Returning home in 2006, I finally decided to take the plunge and get into the film industry. I took classes as part of a local youth outreach program through Film Training Manitoba and the National Screen Institute. I had finally learned how to write and structure proper scripts through this program. I also learned the basics of set and crew etiquette. And by the spring I was working on sets as a PA, and assistant gaffer, set deck, props man, 3rd assistant director, (the one writing the call sheets,) and all the blue collar grunt work that keeps things rolling smoothly.
After 2 years of working crew, and countless completed scripts, I saw Youtube exploding, and discovered the show that caused the "web series boom period" of 2007-2010, Lonelygirl15. A show that had daily uploads soap opera style, using low grade cameras, but with drama and action that looked and felt like a real vlogger on the run. Other web shows with different types of themes, and some better production value like The Guild kept bringing me back and it was watching these shows that prompted me to finally get off my butt and actually MAKE something of my scripts.
Over the last 17 years, I've produced a wide variety of web series's, multiple feature films, Joe Bob style hosted movie shows, and all sorts of short comedy sketches. My influences are 70s and 80s screwball comedies, 80s action and slasher movies, and Japanese anime and "doramas". In the last year or so I've embraced AI technology to make fun 80s style retro trailers with new character creations.
It's been a wild 19 year ride and I'm hoping to keep making fun and entertaining content. I don't do political or "woke" fare in any way, shape or form. My stuff is to entertain, not lecture or provoke. The world needs to lighten up and my goal is always to do my part on that front.