Timothy Philemon's Lounge Discussions

Timothy Philemon
Introducing Cinefind - Discover Free Movie Screenings & Book Theaters

Hey Everyone, I’m Timothy

I founded Cinefind, a real-time dashboard that helps moviegoers discover free upcoming screenings, ranging from indies to major studio releases! Our platform also enables independent filmmakers to book theaters.

I’m currently looking for independent filmmakers to help book,...

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Charmane Wedderburn

My pleasure meeting you too, Mark Deuce!

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Timothy Philemon I sent you an ad request. We need to speak. Please add me and we can DM.

Sam Rivera

Hi Timothy Philemon! Great to meet you and will definitely check out Cinefind!

Nick Eff (Mandlamadi)

I like this idea.

Chiara Torrisi

Hi Timothy Philemon, Cinefind is an amazing idea. I think that now it's soon to expand to other countries, but if you're considering to launch it in Italy (or Europe in general), feel free to write to...

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