Gurus of the film making world I am in need of a sherpa who might guide me to and through the purchase of a film making "kit". I am planning on teaching film & video next year and would like to start saving & investing in the equipment necessary to shoot short films (these are high school students,...
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I have been conducting a "Movie Camp" for the past 5 years. I began with my 2 grandsons and their friends when the ages were 4 to 9. They have made at least 2 movies each year and these are on YouTube...
Expand commentI have been conducting a "Movie Camp" for the past 5 years. I began with my 2 grandsons and their friends when the ages were 4 to 9. They have made at least 2 movies each year and these are on YouTube. I made an introductory film on how to make movies. I have also worked with students in the Cook Islands and in India where they have made movies about themselves. (Also on Youtube.) My motivation is the same as yours - movies (film, video whatever you want call it) is the communication medium of the 21st Century and to be literate, we need to know how to do it. I use DSLRs and the problem with overheating due to long running times should NOT be a problem since a film is not shot that way (unless you are making photographed stage plays which went out the door with D. W. Griffith!). Actually any modern point and shoot camera does a rather good job of capturing video that is instructive enough for your classes. So, have them bring their own cameras (cell phones too) for the movie "machine." It's in the scripting and story telling that the real instruction is needed. It sounds like you have that already. Watch my video on how to make movies and let me know what you think.
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When the Canon 5d surfaced it changed the the whole digital filming scene. It introduced a whole new way of filming and improved filming mainly in low light situations. A whole new industry grew out o...
Expand commentWhen the Canon 5d surfaced it changed the the whole digital filming scene. It introduced a whole new way of filming and improved filming mainly in low light situations. A whole new industry grew out of this because to make them viable video cameras they need rigs and audio solutions. They have made a place in the videography world. That being said although they are being improved in many ways they are not a traditional video camera. I agree with Anthony if you teach both systems your students will be more aware of the possibilities they can use in their film making. Cameras are tools and you bring the tool that best helps tell the story. I took a course in Santa Monica Ca. and the instructor used the small Sony handy cams as the main cameras to teach with, they are a true video camera and are inexpensive. We were able to bring our own cameras to the Class .There were only two of us that had Dslr's at that time,now 2 years latter he has added teaching Dslr camera techniques to his curriculum. Producers often choose the camera system that best matches the flavor of their film. And the one thing they most agree upon is that content is still King. If your story is not compelling it doesn't matter what camera you use. If your content is strong you can film on an iPhone and still have an amazing film. Best to you in your endeavor .
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Grab some of those great dimmable LED batteriy powered lights that come with filters on amazon for less than forty bucks. Made in China. Amazing deal, and they're big. Get a camera that has the most o...
Expand commentGrab some of those great dimmable LED batteriy powered lights that come with filters on amazon for less than forty bucks. Made in China. Amazing deal, and they're big. Get a camera that has the most on line user experience...(advice, technical, etc.) Or are you budgeted for a few cameras? Don't forget to have drop in pros visit the class...I bet your local big camera store would love to showcase their gear with your students, perhaps on a remote. And don't let that tech zoid student dominate your class....