I am an L.A. based comedy writer. For the past several years I’ve been a work-for-hire on features and television. Now I'm getting back to work on my own projects as I realized that was not doing my career or credibility any favors but it was paying the bills. I just got my first iMDb credit as a Director and was nominated for Best Director.
I only have my name on High Concept comedy projects. Some solo, some co-written. In the past two years, I have developed three shows; all single-camera. I have a reputation as a good collaborator so writers always pitch me their ideas. I like social media but I love personal interaction. Talking face-to-face is what it's all about for me. Meeting with industry folks for a cup of coffee and talking shop is always fun.
Unique traits: I'm a native Angeleno and used to be a part of the music world in my 20s. I fronted a band for close to 10 years and now I'm a stay-at-home dad. I'm a good collaborator and a good project problem solver as I have done lots of consulting.