President / Owner / Operator
Pamphylia Holdings Ct. USA SpA
Real estate holding corporation of retail motor fuel outlets, convenience stores, car washes, mini-storage facilities, a bar and a few condo's. These properties were illegally ripped from my control by a few corrupt DEA agents over the course of 4 years. All due to their failed recruitment for my cooperation and assistance in the apprehension of a cartel kingpin who was a customer at one of my storage facilities.
I am currently shopping my completed book manuscript "Shadow of DEAth" and 2013 Moondance International Film Festival feature screenplay winning script... "For What it's Worth"
For What it's Worth Action ⋄ Crime "For What it's Worth" is a tough-luck, true-crime drama, with a motley cast of lethal illusion-busters: one of the FBI's ten most-wanted mob figures and a bunch of openly corrupt government agents "just doing their job". And, caught in this evil crime web, is a man absolutely determined to fight for his civil rights - to protect his family, his health, his wealth, and, more importantly, his freedom, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, against all odds.