This is a documentary about the occupation of China by the Japanese during WWII. The Japanese did not invade China in 1937, but they were there in the late 1880's.
This was a 30 sec commercial that we shot for the Heinz. This was shot out by the old movie set from Back To the Future III. Rat City Productions strongly believes in producing "Good Family Entertainment". Enjoy.. Rat City Productions Producer: Jim Layes
Destin wonders into town and his horse throughs a shoe so Destin goes straight to the blacksmith and ends up shooting the Blacksmith in self defense. It seems that the Sheriff & the Judge doesn't have time for a trial, so off to the gallows for this poor man.
This was my entry for the Super Bowl Doritos Contest a couple of years a go. I went with the Silent Film Western theme. What can I say, I love the old west and the silent film era.