Danielle Kaheaku's Lounge Discussions

Danielle Kaheaku
Coming back after a break

Hi guys, I'm a longtime member of Stage32, but had to take a hiatus in work due to family and health issues. Now that I'm back in the saddle, I'd love to connect with old friends and new faces. An Active Member of the Horror Writers Association, I have been working in the entertainment industry for...

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Danielle Kaheaku

Everything is good now, thanks. If you're not a member of the HWA, all are welcome with qualifying sales. There are numerous resources for writers and producers, and we host the annual Bram Stoker Awards.

Linda McIntyre

Welcome back Danielle. Just survived a family crisis myself. Your friends always help you through. Hope all is well.

Danielle Kaheaku
Western remix score

Working on compiling the budget for a feature western - currently looking for quotes to compose the score. Need western remixed music, similar to Ennio Morricone - Ecstasy of Gold. Please reply with links to work and proposed budget needs. I need to put together the budget to submit to a few interested producers.

Matt Gates

indie films ought to budget around 5-20k for music.

Danielle Kaheaku

Thanks Matt, though that's quite a range. Is the higher end normally for music with vocals?

Matt Gates

live musicians do add to it, the size of the project comes into play on multiple levels. it might be easier to think of it in % of the budget. 5% for score is good in most cases.

Jeff McDonough

No - vocals have absolutely nothing to do with it. How much is the budget of your film and about how much music is going to needed? That is more the determining factor in cost. Plus who the composer i...

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Danielle Kaheaku

Thanks guys for the info. This is probably the one area I'm having the most difficulty in budgeting for. I already have access to several cameras, trailers, booms, sound mixers, etc., and have several...

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Danielle Kaheaku
Any budding novelists/screenwr…

Any budding novelists/screenwriters out there? I have a collection of creative writing books I'd like to get rid of. Most are new, though a few have been flipped through a time or two. I'd like to get something back for them, but I really need the shelf space. Message me for details. Titles include:...

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Danielle Kaheaku
My Facebook page: [www.faceboo…

My Facebook page: [www.facebook.com/pages/The-Word-Wraith/138189462930891][1] Like me. [1]: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Word-Wraith/138189462930891

Danielle Kaheaku

*please* ;)

Aloy Williams Eze

Liked :)

Danielle Kaheaku


Danielle Kaheaku
Shout out to any fellow HWA me…

Shout out to any fellow HWA members - anyone interested in being part of a southern California regional chapter?

Danielle Kaheaku
Looking for a new macbook pro…

Looking for a new macbook pro - anyone have experience/opinions between the 13" and 15"? Will be using it for layout and Final Draft, which I would think the 13" dual core is fine, but the 15" is a quad core with more real estate. Worth the extra money? Anyone?

Danielle Kaheaku
Hi guys, Need a ghost today -…

Hi guys, Need a ghost today - working on a script for a client and I've hit writer's block. Need help fleshing this thing out asap. Paid gig, no credit - if interested email me to dl@thewordwraith.com.

Danielle Kaheaku

Ah, tried with this one. This client is... difficult, to say the least. 'Bout to bang my head against the wall.

Danielle Kaheaku
Has anyone had any success wit…

Has anyone had any success with Kickstarter.com in raising funds for a film? Just wondering some about the process and any success stories.

Milo Coello
Perhaps we should plan a meeti…

Perhaps we should plan a meeting to get some real live networking going on and establish relationships not only through the internet, but face to face. I think Stage 32 is a great "reaching out & connecting" tool, but I believe the real networking doesn't fully happen until people actually meet in p...

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Jasmine McAtee

I'm up for an LA networking event should one be created.

Danielle Kaheaku

I'm sure there are a lot of people on the site - myself included - that would welcome the opportunity for real life meetings. Even a set once a month time at a set location would work. I've been in past groups that held similar meetings, and they were very successful.

Richard "RB" Botto

Hey guys...This is a great idea. We have had a couple of 32 meetups at various film festivals we've been attending. We did one in SD and Austin most recently. More will happen down the road. We certai...

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Milo Coello

That's great Richard, thank you for your message. Perhaps you can add an "Events" tab on top where we can add networking events and/or industry related activities so more people can find out about them and come?

Milo Coello

We need more people! I want to meet people, not only profiles! =)

Milo Coello
The biggest challenge I've enc…

The biggest challenge I've encountered after moving to L.A. is to find a proper balance between doing film scoring for the love of doing it and doing it for the need of money. The answer I have found useful is to always keep in mind why it is that you started doing music, or art. In my case, I start...

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Danielle Kaheaku

I find that by mixing up my projects - those that pay well and those I pick up simply because the idea intrigues me - on a regular basis I'm able to keep the "love" in my work, while making a decent l...

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Milo Coello

Very true, when the family factor comes in it certainly must add another layer to this. I'm not at that point yet, but I'm sure the reward of knowing you will be providing for your family is great and...

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Danielle Kaheaku
Looking for a few CGI artists…

Looking for a few CGI artists to give quotes on a proposed feature film. Minor work, think the vamp effects in Vampire Diaries.

Mike Mitchell

By the looks of your photo Danielle you are into sailing just sat on my yacht in Southern Turkey having completed an International Regatta, have been filming in Istanbul returning to the UK soon

Danielle Kaheaku

Mike - sounds amazing. I actually just got into it, figured I needed a new hobby. Realizing quickly how much fun it is. Have a safe trip.

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