Kate Murray has been only writing since 2010 when her Aunt brought her a leather bound journal for Christmas. Nothing unusual about that, but she didn’t write, in fact she’d only tried to keep a diary for one year. She had done it but it had been a chore. So she started 2011 by enrolling on to a local writing course. It was free and she thought why not, after all she was always telling people stories. That’s where she differs, you see she is dyslexic and has been actively steered away from writing. Don’t get me wrong, her parents are really supportive and now she’s at university studying an MA in creative writing she has a mass of support. But that first step into the writing group was terrifying. She’s now studying at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David and thoroughly enjoying it.
The Red Balloon Action ⋄ Drama ⋄ Horror ⋄ Thriller A red balloon floats over London in cheerful grace unconcerned about the screams that surround it. Suzie is ten and she watches it rise with dread knowing that the ghouls have taken another community.
Sunlight Action ⋄ Drama ⋄ Fantasy ⋄ Thriller David was brought up in the dark but on his fifteenth birthday he escapes his cage and goes out above ground for the first time. Now he is in a chase to stay ahead of the Nosferatu and stop the humans from discovering what he is, a wolf, except he keeps spontaneously changing every time the sun hits his skin.
Something that has been playing on my mind. Family This really doesn't have a logline as it is only an idea. I think it will become something bigger, just not sure what...
Miranda Action ⋄ Sci-fi A movie with the Firefly crew. This was a suggestion by the Fan pages that I allowed my imagination to have a go. Space, cowboys and zombies - how could I not write something.