Música compuesta e interpretada por Guillermo Názara Reverter Inspirada en la novela "El ViolÃn Negro" de Sandra Andrés Belenguer.
Dark Steps On The Way is one of main themes of the new musical I'm writing. As my literature teacher at college gave us the task to perform a scene from the Odissey, it crossed my mind it could be interesting to do it as videoclip.
This is Wintertime, the piece which serves as the leit motiv of my forthcoming stage musical. Music by Guillermo Názara Reverter Perfomed by Guillermo Názara Reverter
Here's one of the main themes from my upcoming musical "Shallow Dreams", a story about struggling and taking all chances. This song is performed by Audrey, the main character, and Kadime, her best friend. Hope you'll enjoy this piano reduction :)