A sad piano and cello composition, that can fit to film trailer, teaser or titles. https://www.pond5.com/stock-music/48132608/reflections-sad-piano.html
New track for a horror steampunk quest game. https://soundcloud.com/tsymbal/laboratorysoundtrack
You can buy my music and sounds here: http://www.pond5.com/artist/tsymbal
Hello, Attorney! I'm a music composer. http://soundcloud.com/tsymbal
Hello, Kenya. Do you need a music to your film? Check my works here: https://soundcloud.com/tsymbal
Hello, Brian. Need some music? Check up my here: http://soundcloud.com/tsymbal
Hello, Kirk. I'm a music composer. My works are here: http://soundcloud.com/tsymbal
Hi, Agatha. Do you need an original music to your short film? Check my works here: http://soundcloud.com/tsymbal
+1! My works are here: http://soundcloud.com/tsymbal
Добридень! Вам ще потрібна музика для Вашого проекту? Я - композитор. Послухати мої роботи можна тут: tsymbal.com.ua
Hello, James. Nice topic for a film. I would like to join you as a music composer. https://soundcloud.com/tsymbal
Hi, Gary. Do you need a music to your project? Please, check my works here: https://soundcloud.com/tsymbal
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