Post Office / Royal Mail commercial Writer, Director, Actor, Art Director, Costume - Sara Dee. Sound Design, Camera, Sound mix - Martin Pavey. Editing & Music - Sara and Martin
Cobra Best Film Award - Horror genre quips as a Gent visits a Gypsy and has suspicions she is more than she seems. Originally ITV3 Movie Sponsorship Stings.
Short Film Produced and Directed by Tony Jopia A woman, alone and vulnerable, unleashes a dangerous situation that has her driving for her life.
Sara Dee plays nine characters in a one minute drama, as an 'actress prepares' for her one line debut. Originally ITV3 Movies sponsorship stings for Cobra Beer.
Clips of more recent work I've done with exclusive shots from the up coming feature 'Cute Little Buggers' and the award winning short '15'. It's getting nasty.
Sara Dee in various roles; from a foot shot that might entice Tarantino to a blood chilling scream queen moment. PVC to period opulence, comedy to thriller and more . . .