Julye Newlin's Lounge Discussions

Michael Neal
Using a jib crane on a boat

Looking to discuss issues of using a jib crane on a boat. Thoughts?

Julye Newlin

Mike, You need a gyro. There are different manufacturers out there that deliver similar instruments based off of similar patents, but the bottom line is without stabilization your shots will suffer at...

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Michael Neal

Thanks Julye, As the boat operator, I agree on the part of water shoots being the best :) I am concerned both with getting the shot but more concerned with the safety of the crew and equipment. Previously I have had crews shoot on tripods, by hand, or steadycam

Georgia Hilton

really.. find a pier that you can shoot facing the open water if you have to shoot in the ocean. better yet, shoot on a lake... the flatter and calmer the water the better for the shot (unless of cour...

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Michael Neal

Thank you all for the input. I think the production company is inexperienced and I want to make sound suggestions.

Julye Newlin

You know Mike, I'm still a purist; I long to be next to the action, willingly placing myself in harms way. I'm a big believer in hand-held with things like the Tyler Minigyro, but you cannot have your...

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