This was shot on my Sony F800 XDcam camera, I was DP. We had a great crew that day, Peter Richardson was Gaffa and the spot was directed by Mike Hayes. For more about myself or my XDcam gear
I shot this video for a company I do a lot of for for, Loulaki Blue. They are a great bunch of creative fun people! My favourite shot is the time-lapse shot about half way through. For my blog go to
Shot on a Red One camera. The crew was just two of us, myself (DP) and the Director (Peter Cramer). This shows that Red shoots can be a small crew affair and still makes great images. I now have the latest Red camera - Epic.
This Promo for NITV Free to Air launch was shot by me on my Red Epic. Tune into NITV for some great viewing! For more about me
This is a short film I shot a few years back. Shot on a DVCpro50 camera in one day. Hope you enjoy!
This commercial was shot on my Red One camera by me. There was a second unit camera, a Canon 5D, but none of the 5D footage made it in the final edit. For more about me or or
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