My name is Joseph Dean Coburn and I teach acting. I lived and taught in L.A. at Playhouse West for many years. I've been teaching privately in Seattle. I'm considering a move to Vancouver, B.C. Any thoughts?
My name is Joseph Dean Coburn and I teach acting. I lived and taught in L.A. at Playhouse West for many years. I've been teaching privately in Seattle. I'm considering a move to Vancouver, B.C. Any thoughts?
I just want to see if I have any hidden talent. I would like to know some basic guidelines for producing an audition tape. I made a youtube account, and I have a good cam. Just need some tips =D
Is it illegal to act from a film script that was already made into a movie. For example, a scene from Titanic?
Hi Nikki - it is not illegal to put a scene from a movie on your audition tape - it is done all the time!
Is a day spent watching movies when you could’ve been working a day wasted or well spent?
Well spent because a) you chose to do it - dont regret B) if you are involved in TV/Film in any way it can be a learning experience and c) a great excuse to eat popcorn and candy which is always a good day
Depends on if I'm mindlessly watching or actively dissecting/thinking.
I've tried it once to relax on failed miserably because all I did was feel restless and keep thinking I forgot to do something....
I always built it into my development and pre production process. I get out as many movies as I can find that portray the themes or subjects I'm working on and if I get a lot out of one I will watch it over and over again
In fact I never watch movies serching for a inspiration of a new history, I try find indications of the lights, efects or animation. Some times I search some exemple of fotography, scenary or animation of lettering...
Hi J.D. I am an actor in Vancouver B.C. Would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Just shoot me a line.