Does it hurt your chances to be taken as a serious actor if you continue to do "extra" work? Has an extra ever been "discovered?"
Does it hurt your chances to be taken as a serious actor if you continue to do "extra" work? Has an extra ever been "discovered?"
Just wanted to introduce myself to Stage 32, and begin to learn about each of you. I am a screenwriter and filmmaker from California, graduate of the Pro Series at SU, currently living in Texas (moved here for an advertising creative director job). Just finished first draft of fourth screenplay--I k...
Expand postJust wanted to introduce myself to Stage 32, and begin to learn about each of you. I am a screenwriter and filmmaker from California, graduate of the Pro Series at SU, currently living in Texas (moved here for an advertising creative director job). Just finished first draft of fourth screenplay--I know, they said there would be no math--and preparing to connect the dots. But enough about me. Would love to learn more about you. "There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit at the typewriter and bleed." --Hemingway
Thanks Amanda!
keep up the great work.. DJ
"There isn't any secret [to writing]. You sit down and you start and that's it." - Elmore Leonard
Lourvey and Amanda - just so you know, that wasn't in response to anything you said, but inspired by Tom's Hemingway quote! :)
It's true. Thanks TJ. Can't strike out unless you swing. Can't homer either.
Hi! I'm DeJuan, founder of Paradigm Shift Media. I'm in the process of writing 2 television shows... (looking for more writers to come on board and help the projects), and 4 feature films. Great to meet everyone!
Talk to me when you're ready to cast. I'm in the 55+ range
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I think your negative encounter with an 'older union member' was something you should just forget about ! He's NOT the typical union member working background ! But I've been told it differs from regi...
Expand commentI think your negative encounter with an 'older union member' was something you should just forget about ! He's NOT the typical union member working background ! But I've been told it differs from region to region….like, it's supposedly difficult to even get extra work in L. A. ,unless one is one of 'the usuals' called to work background ? Speaking for myself ( a union S. F. actor working background also), it's a great way to network with other actors, & sometimes getting a 'bump' to a feature role, or even talking with the principals, & other set personnel ! A lot of union actors will not work background, which is fine, but I (like yourself), work background because I just LOVE being on set !
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A few years ago, when I was doing background work in LA,, I signed up with a "call" service that notified me when I had a gig. I had to confirm, of course, but it saved calling into Central Casting ev...
Expand commentA few years ago, when I was doing background work in LA,, I signed up with a "call" service that notified me when I had a gig. I had to confirm, of course, but it saved calling into Central Casting every day to see what was available. I also got work from other extras-casting agencies that way. It was well worth the money. For the record, I'm one of those white haired guys who is "retired" from an earlier career. To anyone who asks what I do, my response is "I'm an actor."
Great to see a post pop-up with a question that still stands today! Actors have to start somewhere right? I was listening to an Office Ladies podcast where Angela Kinsey talks about her time as an ext...
Expand commentGreat to see a post pop-up with a question that still stands today! Actors have to start somewhere right? I was listening to an Office Ladies podcast where Angela Kinsey talks about her time as an extra on 90210. Experience as an extra on set can be the easiest way to learn set etiquette which in turn, you can use when you have a bigger role on set.
I would say YES if you do it instead of acting.
I don't take any non speaking roles, no reality TV either.